Money Saving Tips

11 More Frugal Habits to Save Money14 min read

Welcome to Part II of the Frugal Nerds Series: Frugal Habits to Save Money! You’re here because you enjoyed Part I and you want to continue being intentional with your spending and gaining financial freedom. We’re excited that you’re taking this journey with us!

Make a shopping list and stick to it to avoid impulse buys

Making a shopping list and sticking to it can be an effective way to save money when shopping. Impulse buys can quickly add up and lead to overspending, but by planning ahead and sticking to a list, you can avoid unnecessary purchases and stay within your budget.

One of the main benefits of making a shopping list is that it helps you avoid impulse buys. When you enter a store without a plan, it’s easy to be swayed by marketing and end up purchasing items you don’t really need. By creating a list of the items you need before heading to the store, you can stay focused on your intended purchases and avoid the temptation of impulse buys.

Creating a shopping list can also help you save time and money by reducing the number of trips you make to the store. When you have a list, you can plan out your purchases and buy everything you need in one trip, rather than making multiple trips throughout the week. This can save you money on transportation costs and reduce the amount of time you spend shopping.

Another benefit of making a shopping list is that it can help you stick to your budget. When you know exactly what you need to purchase, you can better plan and allocate your funds. By sticking to your list, you can avoid overspending and ensure that you have enough money for other important expenses.

To make the most of your shopping list, it’s important to be specific and detailed. Write down the exact items you need, including brand names, sizes, and quantities. This can help you avoid confusion and ensure that you purchase the right items. It’s also helpful to organize your list by category, such as produce, dairy, and dry goods, to make your shopping trip more efficient.

When shopping, it’s important to stick to your list and resist the urge to make impulse buys. However, if you do see an item that you hadn’t planned on purchasing but think you may need, take a moment to evaluate whether it’s a necessary purchase or simply an impulse buy. If it’s not a necessary item, it’s best to avoid purchasing it.

Buy in bulk for items that are frequently used and have a long shelf life

Buying items in bulk can be an excellent way to save money on everyday purchases. By purchasing larger quantities of items such as food, cleaning supplies, and toiletries, you can take advantage of lower prices per unit and reduce the frequency of trips to the store.

One of the primary benefits of buying in bulk is the cost savings. Retailers often offer discounts on bulk purchases, which can add up to significant savings over time. Additionally, buying in bulk can help reduce packaging waste, as you are purchasing larger quantities of items with less packaging.

Another benefit of buying in bulk is the convenience. By purchasing larger quantities of items, you can reduce the frequency of trips to the store, saving you time and money on transportation costs. This can be particularly helpful for items that you use frequently or that have a long shelf life, such as canned goods, cleaning supplies, and toiletries.

Buying in bulk also allows you to stock up on essentials and reduce the risk of running out of necessary items. This can be particularly helpful for households with large families or individuals who are on a tight budget. By purchasing larger quantities of items at once, you can ensure that you have everything you need without having to make multiple trips to the store.

To make the most of your bulk buying experience, it’s essential to do your research and compare prices. While bulk buying can be a great way to save money, it’s important to ensure that you are getting a good deal on the items you purchase. Comparison shopping and researching prices online can help you find the best deals and ensure that you are not overspending.

It’s also essential to consider the storage and shelf life of the items you purchase. Some items, such as canned goods and dry goods, have a long shelf life and can be stored easily in a pantry or other storage area. However, other items, such as fresh produce and meats, may require more careful storage and planning to ensure that they do not go to waste.

Buy seasonal produce and plan meals around it to save on grocery costs

Buying seasonal produce and planning meals around it can be an effective way to save money on groceries while also enjoying a varied and healthy diet. Seasonal produce is often less expensive and more readily available than out-of-season produce, as it is sourced locally and requires less transportation and storage.

When you plan your meals around seasonal produce, you can take advantage of the lower prices and enjoy a wider range of fresh and flavorful fruits and vegetables. By purchasing produce that is in season, you can avoid the added costs of importing produce from other regions or countries, which can be significantly more expensive.

Planning meals around seasonal produce also allows you to experiment with new and creative recipes and explore different flavors and cuisines. For example, in the summer months, you may focus on incorporating fresh berries, tomatoes, and herbs into your meals, while in the fall, you may experiment with pumpkin, squash, and root vegetables.

To get the most out of buying seasonal produce, it is important to stay informed about what is in season and to shop at local farmers markets and grocery stores that offer a wide selection of fresh produce. By doing so, you can ensure that you are getting the best value for your money and enjoying the freshest and most flavorful produce available.

When planning your meals around seasonal produce, it can be helpful to create a meal plan for the week and to make a grocery list based on the recipes you plan to prepare. This can help you avoid impulse purchases and ensure that you have everything you need to prepare healthy and delicious meals throughout the week.

In addition to saving money on groceries, buying seasonal produce and planning meals around it can also have a positive impact on your health and well-being. Seasonal produce is often more nutrient-dense and flavorful than out-of-season produce, as it is harvested at the peak of ripeness and contains a higher concentration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Shop during sales and clearance events

Shopping during sales and clearance events can help you save a significant amount of money on your purchases. Retailers often hold sales and clearance events to clear out inventory and make room for new products, which can mean big discounts for shoppers.

One of the most obvious benefits of shopping during sales and clearance events is the potential for significant savings. Many retailers offer deep discounts during these events, with some offering discounts of 50% or more off regular prices. This can be especially beneficial for larger purchases like furniture, appliances, or electronics, where even a small discount can translate to significant savings.

Shopping during sales and clearance events can also help you stretch your budget further. By planning ahead and waiting for these events to make purchases, you can get more for your money. For example, if you are in need of new clothing for the upcoming season, waiting for end-of-season sales can help you get more items for your budget.

Another benefit of shopping during sales and clearance events is the opportunity to stock up on items you use regularly at a lower cost. For example, if you use a particular brand of shampoo or laundry detergent, stocking up during a sale can help you save money in the long run. This can also be true for non-perishable food items or household supplies.

In addition to the potential for savings, shopping during sales and clearance events can also be a fun way to discover new products or brands. Retailers often use these events to introduce new products or highlight lesser-known brands, which can be a great opportunity to try something new without breaking the bank.

However, it’s important to be careful when shopping during sales and clearance events. Some retailers may use these events to offload lower-quality or outdated products, so be sure to do your research before making a purchase. Additionally, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of a sale and make impulse purchases, so be sure to stick to your budget and only buy items that you actually need or want.

Take advantage of free entertainment options such as visiting parks or museums

Taking advantage of free entertainment options, such as visiting parks or museums, can be a great way to save money while still having fun and enjoying new experiences. Many cities and towns offer a range of free entertainment options, from parks and hiking trails to museums and art galleries.

One of the most obvious benefits of free entertainment options is the potential for significant savings. Activities like going to the movies, attending concerts or sporting events, or even dining out can quickly add up and strain your budget. By choosing free entertainment options, you can enjoy new experiences without the high cost of admission or tickets.

In addition to the potential for savings, free entertainment options can also be a great way to explore new places and learn new things. Visiting a new park or hiking trail can be a fun and healthy way to enjoy the outdoors, while visiting a museum or art gallery can expose you to new ideas and perspectives.

Taking advantage of free entertainment options can also be a great way to spend time with family and friends without breaking the bank. Activities like picnics in the park or visiting a free art exhibit can be enjoyable for all ages and can be a great way to bond with loved ones.

Finally, free entertainment options can also be a way to support your local community. Many parks, museums, and other public spaces rely on community support to continue offering free or low-cost entertainment options. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can help support the local economy and make your community a more vibrant and enjoyable place to live.

Learn to do basic home repairs and maintenance instead of hiring someone else to do it

Learning to do basic home repairs and maintenance can save you a significant amount of money over time. Many common home repairs and maintenance tasks can be done with basic tools and a little bit of know-how, which can save you the cost of hiring a professional.

One of the most obvious ways that learning basic home repairs can save you money is by avoiding the cost of hiring a contractor or repairman. For example, replacing a leaky faucet or fixing a squeaky door hinge can be done with a few basic tools and some online tutorials, saving you the cost of hiring a plumber or handyman. Learning to do these tasks yourself not only saves you money, but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment and can boost your confidence in your own abilities.

In addition to avoiding the cost of hiring professionals, learning basic home repairs can also help you identify problems early, before they become more serious and more expensive to fix. Regular home maintenance tasks like cleaning gutters or checking for leaks in your roof can help you catch small issues before they turn into larger, more expensive problems.

Learning to do basic home repairs can also help you make smarter purchasing decisions when it comes to home appliances and systems. When you understand how these systems work and how to maintain them, you can make more informed choices about which appliances to buy and how to care for them. This can help you save money by avoiding expensive repairs or replacements down the line.

Finally, learning to do basic home repairs and maintenance can also help you reduce your energy costs. Making simple upgrades like weatherstripping doors and windows or adding insulation to your attic can help reduce your heating and cooling bills. Fixing leaky faucets and toilets can also save you money on your water bill over time.

In conclusion, learning to do basic home repairs and maintenance is a valuable skill that can save you a significant amount of money over time. By avoiding the cost of hiring professionals, identifying problems early, making smarter purchasing decisions, and reducing your energy costs, you can keep more money in your pocket while keeping your home in good condition.

Borrow books, movies, and other media from the library instead of buying them

Borrowing books, movies, and other media from the library can be an excellent way to save money on entertainment and educational materials. Libraries offer a wide range of materials, including books, audiobooks, DVDs, CDs, and digital media, all available for free to cardholders.

One of the primary benefits of borrowing from the library is the significant cost savings. Purchasing books, movies, and other media can quickly add up, especially if you are an avid reader or film enthusiast. By borrowing from the library instead of purchasing, you can save money while still enjoying a wide range of materials.

Another benefit of borrowing from the library is the ability to try out new materials and genres without committing to a purchase. If you are unsure whether you will enjoy a particular book or movie, borrowing it from the library allows you to explore new content without the financial risk. This can be particularly helpful if you are on a tight budget or trying to save money.

Libraries also offer a wide range of educational materials that can help you improve your skills and knowledge. From language-learning materials to online courses and e-books, libraries offer a wealth of resources that can help you achieve your personal and professional goals without spending money.

In addition to cost savings and educational resources, borrowing from the library can also be a great way to support your local community. Libraries play an essential role in promoting literacy, education, and community engagement, and by borrowing materials and participating in library programs and events, you can help support these important initiatives.

To get started with borrowing from the library, it’s essential to obtain a library card. Most libraries offer free library cards to residents and often allow non-residents to obtain cards for a small fee. Once you have your library card, you can start exploring the library’s catalog and checking out materials.

To make the most of your library borrowing experience, it can be helpful to browse the library’s online catalog, reserve materials in advance, and take advantage of online resources and services such as e-books, audiobooks, and streaming media. You can also participate in library programs and events such as book clubs, author talks, and educational workshops.

Learn to do basic grooming at home

Cutting your own hair or learning to do basic grooming at home can save you a significant amount of money over time. Many grooming tasks can be done at home with basic tools and a little bit of practice, which can save you the cost of visiting a salon or barber.

One of the most obvious ways that cutting your own hair or doing basic grooming at home can save you money is by avoiding the cost of professional services. For example, a basic haircut can cost anywhere from $20 to $50 or more, depending on your location and the salon or barber you visit. Learning to cut your own hair at home can save you this cost and can be done with basic tools like clippers, scissors, and a mirror.

In addition to avoiding the cost of professional services, learning to do basic grooming at home can also help you maintain your appearance between salon visits. Simple tasks like trimming your own beard or touching up your roots can be done at home with minimal equipment, saving you the cost of more frequent salon visits.

Learning to do basic grooming at home can also help you make smarter purchasing decisions when it comes to grooming products. When you understand how to groom yourself at home, you can make more informed choices about which products to buy and how to use them. This can help you save money by avoiding products that don’t work well for you or that you don’t need.

Finally, cutting your own hair or doing basic grooming at home can also be a fun and creative way to express yourself. When you have control over your own appearance, you can experiment with different styles and techniques to find the look that works best for you. This can also be a bonding experience if you have family members or friends who are also interested in learning how to do basic grooming at home.

Make your own cleaning products instead of buying expensive brands in stores

Making your own cleaning products can be an effective way to save money on household expenses. Many cleaning products are expensive and can contain harsh chemicals that may not be necessary for everyday cleaning tasks. By making your own cleaning products, you can save money and control the ingredients that go into your cleaning solutions.

One of the most obvious benefits of making your own cleaning products is the potential for significant savings. Many commercial cleaning products can be expensive, especially if you need to buy multiple products for different cleaning tasks. Making your own cleaning products can be much cheaper and can be done with common household ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice.

In addition to the potential for savings, making your own cleaning products can also be better for the environment. Many commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to the environment, especially when they are disposed of improperly. By making your own cleaning products with natural ingredients, you can reduce your environmental impact and avoid contributing to pollution.

Making your own cleaning products can also be better for your health. Many commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be irritating or harmful to your skin, eyes, or respiratory system. By making your own cleaning products with natural ingredients, you can reduce your exposure to these harmful chemicals and keep yourself and your family safe.

Finally, making your own cleaning products can also be a fun and creative way to customize your cleaning routine. When you make your own cleaning products, you can experiment with different ingredients and scents to create a solution that works best for your needs. This can also be a great way to involve your family in household chores and teach them about the benefits of using natural cleaning products.

Cut the cord and stop paying for cable TV

Getting rid of cable TV can be an effective way to save money on entertainment costs. Cable TV bills can be quite high and include many channels that are never watched, meaning that you could be paying for something you don’t need. Cutting cable TV is a great way to reduce your monthly expenses and still have access to the entertainment you want.

There are now many alternatives to cable TV, such as streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. These services offer a variety of TV shows, movies, and original programming at a lower cost than traditional cable TV. Additionally, many of these services offer a free trial period, allowing you to test out the service before committing to a subscription.

Another option is to use an antenna to access local broadcast channels for free. Many major networks, such as ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox, offer free over-the-air broadcasts that can be accessed with a simple antenna. This can be a great option for those who only watch a few shows on broadcast TV and do not want to pay for a cable package.

Another benefit of getting rid of cable TV is that it can encourage you to be more intentional with your TV watching habits. Without the convenience of flipping through channels, you may find that you are more selective about what you choose to watch. This can lead to less time spent watching TV and more time spent on other activities, such as reading, exercise, or spending time with friends and family.

If you are hesitant to completely cut the cord, there are still ways to reduce your cable TV bill. One option is to negotiate with your cable provider for a lower rate. Many providers offer promotional rates for new customers, but these rates often expire after a certain period of time. By calling your provider and explaining that you are considering canceling your service, you may be able to negotiate a lower rate.

Another option is to downgrade your cable package to a more basic plan. Many cable providers offer a variety of package options, from basic cable to premium channels. By downgrading to a more basic plan, you can reduce your monthly bill without completely cutting off access to cable TV.

In summary, getting rid of cable TV can be a great way to save money on entertainment costs. With the availability of streaming services and free over-the-air broadcasts, there are now many alternatives to cable TV. Additionally, reducing your TV watching habits can lead to more time spent on other activities and a more intentional use of your free time.

Consider downsizing your living space

Downsizing your living space can be a great way to save money on housing costs. Many people live in homes that are larger than they need, and downsizing to a smaller home or apartment can help you cut down on expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, property taxes, and utility bills.

The first step in downsizing is to assess your current living situation and determine how much space you actually need. If you are living in a large home with many unused rooms or a lot of empty space, it may be time to downsize to a smaller home or apartment. Consider your lifestyle and what you really need in terms of living space. For example, if you no longer need a large backyard or extra bedrooms, downsizing to a smaller home or apartment may be a good option.

When looking for a new place to live, consider factors such as location, size, and amenities. Look for a home or apartment that is smaller than your current living space but still meets your needs. You may need to make some compromises, such as giving up a backyard or extra storage space, but the savings in housing costs can make it worth it.

One of the biggest benefits of downsizing is the potential for lower housing costs. Smaller homes and apartments typically have lower rent or mortgage payments, as well as lower property taxes and utility bills. This can add up to significant savings over time, especially if you are able to put the extra money toward paying off debt or saving for the future.

Another benefit of downsizing is the opportunity to declutter and simplify your life. Moving to a smaller space requires you to evaluate your possessions and get rid of items that you no longer need or use. This can be a freeing experience and help you to focus on what really matters in your life.

Downsizing can also have a positive impact on the environment. Smaller homes and apartments require less energy to heat and cool, which can help to reduce your carbon footprint. Additionally, living in a smaller space can encourage you to consume less and live a more sustainable lifestyle.

However, downsizing is not for everyone. It may be difficult to adjust to living in a smaller space, especially if you are used to having a lot of room. You may need to make some sacrifices in terms of privacy, storage space, and other amenities. Additionally, if you have a lot of possessions, downsizing can be a challenge.

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